Diablo 3 cursor change
Diablo 3 cursor change

To access this many spells on a keyboard, you hands will need to move all the way across the function keys from F1 to F12. Then you can hold LT to bring up six more skills for a total of 12. The controller version of the skill bar has six slots for skills assigned to the four face buttons plus both RB and RT. When a controller is plugged in, the entire skill bar changes into something that looks a lot more modern and user friendly. It didn’t seem that weird to not have a modernized control scheme, that is, until I plugged in a controller and discovered a completely redesigned UI. I had chalked this up to the developer’s commitment to maintaining the identity of Diablo 2 in the remake because, other than a new paint job and some accessibility features, there are very few quality-of-life updates in Resurrected. Related: Diablo 3 Is Changing How We Compete For Solo Greater Rift Leaderboards

diablo 3 cursor change

But there’s a reason that modern ARPGs all use skill bars instead of this wonky function key control scheme. In Diablo 2, it's necessary to have your potion slots of separate hotkeys because consuming pots to manage your health and mana is a huge part of the game’s mastery. I know that I played like this as a kid, but it’s been a difficult control scheme to adapt to. It also means that your hands have to cover both your number keys and function keys. You first have to hotkey them into one of your skill slots and then activate them with a mouse click. This means that you can’t instant cast any abilities. Your number keys are used for consuming potions, while the function keys are used to rotate your skill. Rather than a hot bar of skills that can be activated with the number keys, skills can only be assigned left and right-click. Returning to Diablo 2 after more than a decade of Diablo 3 can be a bit jarring.

diablo 3 cursor change

Given that controllers have received such a modernized layout, it’s surprising that there’s not a similar option for m+kb. Diablo 2 holds up in a lot of ways, but the archaic control scheme stands out as its most dated feature. While mouse and keyboard players will find a familiar control scheme, controller players will find a completely revamped ability bar and menu system. The Diablo 2 experience remains fully intact in Resurrected, for better or worse. The weekend Alpha Test for Diablo 2: Resurrected was just about everything I hoped it would be.

Diablo 3 cursor change